So, now is the perfect time right? The beginning of a new year, everyone has their shiney new goals in place with oh so much potential...and...they are motivated. I will admit it's a great energy. The only spoiler is, it dies down and the cycle continues. The good news is...people are good at cycles. Maybe because they know what's going to happen, it's a kind of security. Even if it's a negative cycle people often times get stuck in them because, well, circles are circles. Sometimes the opening, the out isn't as evident, especially if we aren't looking for it. This doesn't make me feel anymore motivated though :).
I have certain reminders, mental snapshots, experiences, and people that do give me energy and motivate me to get through the day while still seeing the big picture of what's really important. One of those is a recent experience I had in Mexico. I was honestly expecting to go to Mexico, teach a class or two, play soccer with the kids, eat some tacos, sleep on the beach and drive home. That's it. Ha..I was wrong.
The first night I was there I was sitting by the 8ft. Christmas tree outside, and I realized I hadn't been to the nursery. No one had. Everyone had been playing with the older kids at the orphanage. I walked up and knocked on the door where the smaller kids live. An older lady shouted at me to come in. There were about 6 little kids just sitting on the floor playing with broken toys. I'm not trying to paint this sad picture, they were actually smiling and laughing, and they couldn't have cared less that they were broken. They played with the same enthusiasm that my nieces and nephews played when they opened their brandnew toys on Christmas. For some reason there was one little girl that caught my eye. I wish I could say there was a reason she did. Like she was just the cutest one there, or she ran to me right as I walked in, or maybe something more tragic. Nope, none of those, and it is completely unexplainable, but she did.
There are 500,000 orphans (give or take) in Mexico and only 98 of those were adopted by Americans this past year. So, basically I have a chance. A small chance, but a chance nonetheless. :) ha.
I've been around plenty of kids and many of them don't have parents. I just don't know why she's so different.
So for now, I keep a smile from her in my mind and it motivates me.
It's experiences, like this, that are so unexpected, but they have a familiarity about them. It makes me realize that Heavenly Father really does bless us with exactly what we need.
Time has flown and it's only a month before I go back. In the meantime I will keep busy and try to hold to my only New Years resolution. Simplify.
...just to list a
few other sources of recent motivation for me...

Yep. There's more, but three is a good number.
Yep. There's more, but three is a good number.
I think the kids were happy with broken toys because they don't know any different. You can't really miss something or long for something that you don't know exists.
I do think, however, that you should adopt. There may have only been 98 adopted by US citizens, but it's not just becuse they didn't want to, alot of the time it's because "the system" stops people, good people, from helping.
I woke up this morning and realized that alot of us are sitting around waiting for our lives to start, when really, this is it...our lives have already started. Of course, this attitude was early in the day before that same system stopped me in my tracks, but for you.... you can still do whatever you want to do so you should stop waiting for your life to start and go out and do what you want to do. Like I've said, in Utah, you don't need to be married to adopt if you're a woman. In other words, there's nothing stopping you, so if you really want it, go get it, I'll support ya.
I'm converted.
What great wisdom from your big sister! Do I have great kids or what?
Yes "Anonymous," you DO have great kids. Some could even be called "Golden."
That's said you were posting a new blog tonight and yet....
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