So...since I last wrote I have done the following (and not in any particular order): I had sinus surgery to remove polyps that were in my nose causing me to faint, not taste food, have no sense of smell, get sick on a monthly basis, talk as if I have a perma-cold, and yet as fun as all of these symptoms were I had no trouble saying good riddance to those little growths on my nasal tissue.
I had a not long enough Christmas Break, but was able to spend every minute of it with my family and hanging out with friends. I swam, I ran some, I went to movies, partied a little, ate a lot, and even went on a few dates...hahahmmm. I went straight back to work after New Years Eve (which was by the way uneventful and melancholy). I have been kinda out of the swing of things ever since. I lost the drive I had when I started the school year. I have no idea where it all went. I catch myself thinking a lot of the time about graduation. I'm scared of it. Not in any big way, but I don't know what I am doing after. I have no plan A or B, or C, basically I am not sure what is going to happen in 3 months. I know that on May 25th I will be heading to Argentina, but this time just as a tourist/guest. Even though I will be a tourist I will feel home in a way.
It's beautiful eh? I still could name just about every street in the parts where I lived. It hasn't been that long since I left, but I catch me quizzing myself mentally on if I remember the smells of the streets, or bus routes, or addresses of my apartments, or the taste of real helado. So far, there are three of us going. Levi, Atwood, and I. I can't wait. I better start brushing up on my goucho (argentine cowboy) skills. Which means not going anywhere without boiling hot water and matte yerba. Ha. :)...oh and of course an alfajor in my back pocket.

What else have I left out since last writing?
I have had more time to do more important things, well more important in the eternal sense. Like date. I still am not a huge fan, actually I am the exact opposite. What would be the opposite of a fan? A feign? Maybe... But I just don't really think it's as exciting as it's cracked up to be. I would rather just drive to grab a jamba juice with someone and then listen to music, or eat apples together and bash on each others music and bad habits, or just sit on a couch and talk about human behaviors haha, or even just play basketball and then make dessert. I don't know, dating seems so official and rigid. I feel like there is a "way" to do it, and I have figured the "way" out, but I think it's boring and redundant. I can't do it anymore. Literally. It kills me. I just want to burst out laughing because it's like a movie you are watching for the umpteenth time. You know exactly where the bad guy is going to jump out and when. You are quoting all of the lines, and the peak is no longer climactic because you know how it ends. I am not saying this in a bitter way, just wondering if it's me that should change things. Couldn't hurt to ask someone out right?...and not follow the proper dating etiquette ;)
A friend told me a few nights ago that I have this perfect future planned out in my head of how I want things to turn out, but something is impeding me from actually making this become reality. I tried to think of what that could be and if he even had a valid point. He went on say a few other things that in truth really struck me, and I won't ever forget them. He tends to be good at pin pointing people and exposing the issue for what it is instead of the mask it could be wearing. So, I have to figure out what exactly if anything is keeping me from this future I have planned in my head............ hmmmmm.....
Okay. So my tickets for my Querido Buenos Aires are now purchased. Which means no turning back. Atwood and I were so excited that we bought the tickets on our own just like real grown ups and everything went smoothly... that is until we realized that we bought different flights for the way home. We were humbled pretty quickly, and I couldn't stop laughing. I cannot wait. eek.
I think that is all I have for right now...
1 comment:
Its about time you updated me on your life!!! How awesome you are going back to Argentina! That will be so fun. Miss you.
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