I WAS TAGGED. THIS IS THE FIRST TIME, AND TO BE HONEST…IT WAS PRETTY FUN TO DO. I TAG: ZACC, AMBER, RILEY, BRITT. Riley...you can't include anything about the Ninja Turtles, or underwear. We already know that.
7 Things About Me.
1. I am a night owl…and an early bird. I love seeing sunrises, and being up early (when I have enough sleep) and I love staying up super late regardless of whether I am tired or not. What makes both of these things better of course is the company you’re in. Some of the best conversations I’ve ever had were with friends at 2am. On the other hand…I’ve shared some indescribable moments with family and friends at the crack of dawn.
2. I love capturing moments with my camera. I think it is honestly one of the coolest things. It’s a miracle that we take for granted. I think our memories fade so easily, but one picture can help us recall a thousand things all at once. Photography can freeze time, it’s kind of like magic to me
3.I believe in love, and being "in love." I just don't believe in falling in to it. I think it can be magical and whatever else, but I also believe it's a choice, a choice both people make. A choice that may have to be made more than once, maybe even a thousand times.
4. I laugh at inappropriate times. My laughing spurts sometimes turn into "laugh attacks." As hard as I try I cannot control my laughter. I'm still working on it...it's a constant battle. I figure it's gotten me into trouble one too many times that I better at least try to stop the madness.
5. The biggest personal pet peeve I have is that I find it so difficult to expose my emotions to those who are close to me. I don't always express what I want to, or how I want to. When it comes to emotions I find myself thinking too hard rather than just letting myself feel. Sometimes I want to just be a little kid again, and when I feel like crying, or laughing, or throwing a fit...the louder the better :) haha.
6. Learning about other cultures, traditions, customs, and lives of others has always been fascinating to me. Traveling is one of the greatest blessings that I have had, and I feel that it has taught me the most. When I experience new places, and see another part of the world I feel more satisfied in general. Yet...in all my traveling and with all of the new people I meet, I have found that nothing has or ever will compare to being at home with my family.
6. Learning about other cultures, traditions, customs, and lives of others has always been fascinating to me. Traveling is one of the greatest blessings that I have had, and I feel that it has taught me the most. When I experience new places, and see another part of the world I feel more satisfied in general. Yet...in all my traveling and with all of the new people I meet, I have found that nothing has or ever will compare to being at home with my family.
7. One way that I deal with stress is hanging out with the little people in my life. My nieces, nephews, the orphans in mexico, other random children…. There is something about their spirits. They could care less about labels, where I graduated from school, how much I make at my job, who I hang out with. They care that I am spending time with them.
5 Things that make me sMiLe:
1. Eating cereal out of my giant I lOVe NY cup.
2. kisses…and hugs.
3. Reading Kaed's messages on the bathroom mirror.
4. Trying to get my mom to eat a skittle.
5. Being with the kids in Mexico