Tuesday, May 4, 2010

365 DAYS

My sister-in-law told me of this 365 day challenge. Everyday you take a picture. Just one. Normally I would have thought it to be a good idea, but at the same time I would have shied away from the commitment. However...I've been reading a book that is called "Beauty and the Soul." It talks about the Power true beauty holds, but how we have forgotten, in our day, how to recognize absolute beauty.

I admit, during my busy weeks I feel rushed a lot of the time, sure I feel accomplished at the end of the day (most of the time ;))...but when I take time to recognize something beautiful that crosses my path, when I stop and actually look, and not just pass by, I feel more at peace.

"If we develop an original, honest, courageuos capacity for perceiving beauty, we will have found a value we can always trust. In a night full of snares and demons, we will rely on a friendly light to comfort us and show us the way."
I feel I have always struggled with words. Expressing myself verbally never came without a lot of effort. Even when I was really young. I thought this was a bad thing, until recently. Of course I can still strengthen this, but maybe I just had to find the way I communicate naturally. Not that I'm this amazing photographer, by any means. Hopefully I will get better this year...but I won't make any promises. ;)

So...Here's my first pic. 1/365.

*"We never know where and when we will find beauty. If we look for it where we have been told to, if we already know, or believe we know, where to find it, the search becomes a predictable ritual. But if we are ready to discover it in the most unexpected moments, if our attitude is such that we have no preconceived idea of when the decisive moment will be, then the range of our possibilities becomes immeasurable."


Britt said...


(that's the sound I make when I drag another person into a year-long commitment with me)

Andrea said...

Your sister and my mom are blogging friends. Sometimes my mom will tell me to check out something Amberly has posted. While doing this I happened to find your blog.

Your photo's are amazing! And congrats on taking on a year long challenge. I look forward to seeing what you post :)

Currently I, and some family and friends, are doing a 365 day challenge of our own. If you want to check out my blog its:


BerlyCrow said...

I hate those flowers. But it's because they don't go away because they're bulbs and at my house, they're not growing where they belong. And don't think for a second that I don't know that you took that pic in my backyard-turned-wildflower-field.

However, I have to admit, they ARE better than your eleventyhundred pictures of Poop Flowers.

"Education must enable young people to effect what they have recognized to be right, despite hardships, despite dangers, despite inner skepticism, despite boredom, and despite mockery from the world. . . ."